Stephanie Leong
Hi everyone!
Now you can fade or shift from one slide to another, adding a more dynamic feel to any deck. Give it a try and let us know what you think. ✨
Traviez Minh
how I can add this animation ?
Jim Phillips
A must have in my book.
Stephanie Leong
Merged in a post:
Auto transition to next slide after video.
Daniel Mallek
After a video ends it would be nice to be able to transition to the next slide automatically. The effect would be to have a quick video play then content animate on top of it automatically.
Alexandra Stratulat
THIS IS A MUST, especially for sales pitches and educational presentations cool transitions between slides make a more engaging and creative presentation.
Mykola Horobtsov
ppt morph, keynote magic move, figma smart animate — something like that is a must 🥲
Sandra Zemke
especially the Merge Functionality from Powerpoint would be so nice.
Caleb Holloway
It's 2023. Forget fades and slides, Keynote has had Magic Move for a decade. Figma has Smart Animate, etc. We desperately need configurable animated transitions or I might as well be using Google Slides.
Tim Hansen
This is so basic it hurts. Need yesterday. Would pay a premium for this.
Stephanie Leong
Merged in a post:
Slide transitions
Verena Kuhn
Create animations or transitions between your slides.
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