Sofie from Pitch
This has been marked as completed but isn't? The request was for dotted lines on shapes, this is dotted lines on lines. :/
Deborah Khodanovich
It'd be great if the dotted border can be added to shapes, rather than only for lines. Having a dashed border for a rectangle for instance, without needing to do 4 separate lines for it.
Nichlas Westerby
Finally!! Thanks Pitch team 🙏🏼
Sofie from Pitch
Hi everyone, happy New Year from all of us here at Pitch! We've just added new line styles and arrowheads to Pitch to help you make better diagrams and engage your audience. Let us know what you think of it. 😊
Ken Miller
Dotted lines are a huge request from our audience. They can be used in so many ways!
undefined undefined
This seems fairly easy to add, but would be great to have. As we show things like "forecast" numbers, etc. Having dotted lines as a shape and as a possibility within charts would be valuable. Your Donut charts for example have dotted lines for the callouts.
Dan Burman
Agree this is a basic requirement feature that'd be great to see, so commenting to bump up the recency!
Shawn Roos
Michael Ariel
Merged in a post:
Dashed stroke
Axel Wyart
It would be cool to be able to have dashed stroke
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