Layer list
Anna F
This is much needed, especially when you have many transparent layers. Also need the option to layers on/off (visible/invisible).
Mari Primazzi
Feedback from user:
"That system is really annoying, especially on continuity slides where lots of layers are totally transparent."
Bartolomeo D'Alia
This seems to be so underrated, i think this is a must have feature because sometime it's very annoying to select blocks that are under other blocks.
Michael Ariel
Merged in a post:
Layer tree to access elements faster
Rodrigo Kirchner
I love the simplicity of pitch and like to keep it, a simple menu om the right to click on the element you want to move or change would support this
Michael Ariel
Merged in a post:
Increment stack ordering
Sarah French
Need to move items forward & back in the stack one at a time in addition to moving them all the way to the front or back.