Right now the Powerpoint export function is useless, pretty much everything has to be adjusted. If a client wants to save the Pitch with motion, the designer needs to spend lots of time cleaning up the PPT. Here are some issues we have encountered:
  • most animations don't export to PPT, they disappear and need to be replaced (can't be copied from Pitch to PPT directly either), the very small ones sometimes stay animated
  • text formatting changes (different type size, leading, weight), so all edits on widows & orphans disappear, need to be done again
  • some text randomly becomes bold / different colour / different size, even within the same text window
  • images don't stay cropped, sometimes slightly change position and move to top / bottom
Suggestions for fixing:
  • improving the export to PPT itself
  • introducing alternative export option which supports motion, like Figma or Keynote